Wednesday, February 16, 2011

V is for Very Unusual

Left Brain and I went to a lovely botanical park and I struck up a conversation with a nice lady who was tossing bread to the massive turtles in the pond. Now, for those of you faithful followers you will recall I met the sister-in-law of my third grade teacher on our first camping spot.

Well, her name is Reba and she is the niece of my sixth grade teacher.   Mr Lyga was my favorite teacher for many reasons. I had been a very shy and quiet child until then (I know that's hard for many of you to believe, but it's true) and he was the first adult to acknowledge that I was funny.... and it was okay. It was a gift that was desperately needed at the time and I will always be grateful for this kindness. It was my humor that kept me afloat and I've since then learned to use it as a great coping tool and am on a lifelong mission to help others use their laughter to get through the day.

Now, please keep in mind that these teachers were from a very small town, about 2,000 people if you counted  relatives that were visiting.  How odd that I would be coming in touch with them on this trek.

I feel a bit like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode.  Hey, Left Brain, is that Rod Sterling over there?

Long Live the Queen of Serendipity

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