It was a strange bittersweet day. There was the fun and excitement of setting up and seeing all my artist friends as well as many people I knew from my home town.
I almost didn't go because it was raining that morning and it felt so wonderful to snuggle with She Devil and listen to it. But then it stopped raining and I sloshed through my "yard" and went to work.
During the day I explained to people that this was my last show and offered some fabulous prices including many give aways. That was the most fun part - giving things to people I knew would enjoy them.
My cousin Jean arrived with her mother and we had a chance to visit a bit and I was able to send her off with a whole pile of Art Doll Quarterly magazines since she is a doll maker also. Must be something genetic in us to do this crazy art work.
Then I met up with my favorite teacher, Mr Lyga. I finally got to express to him how he saved me during a very dark part of my life by instilling a sense of belief in myself. He allowed me to use my humor in class to express myself and it totally changed how I approached life from that point on. My humor has gotten me through so much pain and darkness and I can't imagine where I'd be today without it. It felt so good to finally tell him this.
When I got home Left Brain was back from Chicago and we went to bed early as we were all exhausted. Funny how there's not so many strange noises in the house when he's sleeping next to me.
Today we meet with the realtor and find out where we are for finishing up this journey.
Long Live the Queen!
This is the hard part of starting over for me. Saying goodbye and leaving friends and family behind. Even though it's not forever, I'd miss the daily contacts. However, I do believe that you are going to have an exciting and wonderful journey. Hope all goes well with the signing of the papers and have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.