Monday, October 17, 2011

Home sweet home!

We arrived home this afternoon and it feels so good to be back!

While Left Brain unloaded the car I ran to the grocery store to stock up on basics and rescue She Devil.

The lady at the vet went downstairs with me to help pack up her stuff.  It appears they were even more excited to see her leave than I was to have her home.

She told me about the death defying attempts to administer her shots, sometimes having to wrap her in a towel to subdue her.  I smiled and picked up my cat and cradled her like a baby in my arms and gave her a kiss on the nose.  Her jaw dropped and she said "I wouldn't have believed that you could do that unless I saw it myself".  She has such a reputation there.

After paying the boarding fee for 10 days $365 and some odd change, I packed her up and we went home.

We had salad for supper and our yogurt and fruit bedtime snack to get back into normal routine.  I can only guess what my weight is going to be!

Long Live the Queen of the Homefires

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such an enjoyable trip. It's always good to be back home though. Your She Devil looks quite natural with her crown, and very happy to be home with you. I have never left Tootsie at home without a family member or friend staying with her. She has a wicked problem with separation. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.
