Friday, August 24, 2012

Where is home?

Where do you consider home?  There are so many places I used to call my home and now anyplace we park the RV we are essentially home. 

But what really is home?

I think it's more a state of mind than anything.  To me when you are comfortable in your own skin you are "home".  It has nothing to do with geography.

When you are in the company of those you love and that love is reciprocated, to me that's also being home.

I used to believe home was where your family resided, but many families do little to embrace your ideals and some will flat out sabotage your dreams.  So that can't be home.

These thoughts came up as I was telling my sister-in-law about how nice it will feel to be back home soon.  She just smiled and asked "where's that?"  Well, that got my mind wondering about it.

We've made the decision recently that when we are back "home" or at least in our familiar area, that it's time to let She Devil go.  Her health has been steadily declining and there's no desire to play or even sit on our laps as she prefers to just lay on the floor.  Food doesn't even seem to excite her much anymore.

So I made the appointment for this coming Wednesday to return to the vet that has worked with us through thick and thin and let her find eternal rest.  It's time to let her go "home" and leave the pain and discomfort behind her.

This was a very hard decision for us, but we realized that we wanted to keep her with us more than she may have wanted and it was selfish to continue to do this.  So this chapter will soon be coming to an end and we will be without any furry family for a while.

I imagine the day will come when either some cat finds us or we feel we are ready to embark on another adventure, but for now we'll just travel with the two of us until we get this full time business figured out better.

So it's a bittersweet moment for us to return "home" for the last two weeks before venturing onward knowing we will be traveling without her. 

Long Live the Queen


  1. My heart is sad for you. I know how you feel. But when quantity outweighs quality, it's time to let go. You've given Baxter a wonderful life, and you were good for each other. I'll keep you both in my prayers. Hugs, Edna B.

  2. She is a beautiful cat and so lucky to have lived such a happy life with you! So sad to hear this news! E.R.
