I met my blogger friends, Annie and Andrea, two years ago for the first time and since we were passing through their area again, I set up a meeting. Unfortunately I never heard back from Andrea, but Annie was available and we had a blast!
The plan was to meet up at a Mexican restaurant for lunch at 11:00. I arrived early, as I'm prone to do and pulled in next to a car with this license plate. Apparently there are angels in my midst....little did I know how true this was to be.
We both had the same fear of not being sure we'd recognize each other. She figured when the car with Texas plates parked next to her, it must be me....and she was right. Since the cafe wasn't open yet, we sat outside and started to talk....and talk....and talk.
At 11:00 we went in and took a table, where we met our young server named Tyler. Poor guy was saddled with us for his shift. He floated back to our table several times trying to take an order, but we had not yet cracked open a menu to even give it some thought.
We finally called for a time out and chose our entrees and then harassed him for how long it took to get our order in. He looked unsure but was smiling at these two goofy ladies at his table.
When he brought our silverware I cackled "Oooooh! A knife! They don't usually give me the knife!" He pretended to take it away from me and I clutched it to my chest and whispered in my creepiest voice "my precious". I wish I could do it like my granddaughter, Kiersten....she gives me shivers.
Our discussions jumped from one topic to another - here's a run down of the topics covered:
- The challenges of raising cats
- Wolves and coyotes are not from the same genus (I never knew this and had no idea where or why Annie brought it up)
- Psychic powers and empath abilities and how to know if you have them
- Dealing with family members, mothers and children
- Cats
- Friendships and relationships, the blessing and the curses
- Cat behavior
- Poetry and writing
- Why George sticks his tongue out when he's happy - Annie figures he was bottle fed as she's seen this before
- Our spouses - the blessings and curses of living with a man
- Cat safety measures
- Difficulties we've overcome in our lives
- Cats
- The joys and miracles we witness every day
- Cats
- World peace
- Pickleball (hey...it had to come up)
- Cats
- Existing health issues and how aging has impacted this
- Cats health issues and how their aging has affected this
- Annie's remodeling projects
- Cats ....okay, a great deal of our chattering was about our furkids.
Our waiter, Tyler, drifted over several times to check on us and I realized how long we'd been sitting there. He explained that he had pulled a double shift. I questioned him about what evil deeds he had in his past to warrant such rotten karma, getting us for the six hours we spent at the table.
Yup, six hours and we still had so much to talk about. It was like being with my friends "back home" to have found such a kindred spirit.
If it weren't for the fact I don't like to drive in the dark and the path into the state park was so convoluted and confusing, we probably would have ordered supper and just kept rolling.
I have truly found my Soul Sister. It was a magical day and I'm so glad we were able to stop and meet up again. I can't hardly wait for the next time we have occasion to meet.
She gave me some assignments. I'm not sure why I have homework, but I'm a good rule follower, so I took note.
I am to write a journal in long hand. Get busy writing my life stories. Seek therapy for some of the missing pieces of my life that may help me deal with my compulsive eating. Learn to understand football and watch it with my husband.
Such a stern taskmaster! She even pulled me away from the knife Tyler was trying to keep from me. I can't wait to see her again!
Long Live the Queen of Bliss