Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rubbish Tuesday

I may have used this before, can't recall.  At one of the campgrounds we stayed in they had repurposed an old fridge into the "post office box"

There were a series of PVC pipes for the mail boxes and outgoing mail was put into the freezer compartment.

I thought this was a very fun idea.

Long Live the Queen


  1. That's a unique way of sending the mail, fun.


  2. That's a great way to recycle. What great imagination! I love the photo of Gracie curled up on your chair. She really is quite beautiful. I wondered when you did not post if maybe your internet was out. Glad to see it back on and working.

    We're enjoying one more day with no snow falling before it starts up here again. Gosh, I'll be so glad to see Florida! Just a few more weeks till we head South. Hope your rain has stopped so that you can get out and enjoy the day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. That is clever. I love creative recycling. Good one.
    If I ever heal up from the broken/displaced ribs, I may get back to blogging. I cannot get comfortable enough to focus.
