Friday, May 6, 2022

The Mice Won

 After washing every kitchen utensil I own I set it on the stove to dry overnight.  I took a much needed shower and went to park my tired tookus in my recliner to relax.  As I was bringing my soft fleece blanket up to surround my aching body a bunch of stuff shook out of it.  OMG!  It was white rice and little brown mouse turds.  Ewwh.  After shaking it out outside I dumped it into the laundry and took Left Brain's blanket, since he's always too warm anyway.

One more vacuuming job to get rid of that mess and then settled in to read until bedtime.

Now for the best part of the day, climbing into a nice bed with clean sheets and WTF!  There's something in here.  Kitty litter?  No, we just got here.  Wood ticks?  No, I'm sure that's not it.  Yech!  Mouse turds?  While silently screaming in my head I swiped the unknown particles from my bed and went back out to the recliner to read until my heart started to beat normally again.

The bed felt smooth and clean and in the morning I could see that it was more rice and while I couldn't see any little mouse turds, I'm sure they were in there.  The mice had the last laugh that day.  Left Brain later found a nest (thankfully not occupied) in the glove box of his car.  I haven't had the courage to look in mine yet.

Oh the joys of living in a campground.

Mouse?  What mouse?


  1. Time for your cats to step up and earn their kibble

  2. Mice are bad this year! Three cats and I've been battling mice since December in my house. I've been here for 17 years and have never had mice!
