Thursday, May 14, 2020

New decorating

I'm having fun decorating my little nest during this stay at home order.  

I'd purchased this sign at Target a while back and now I had time to install it.  I use this little area as an appliance barn and some food storage.  Now it has it's only little pantry sign and Left Brain had installed the glass doorknob earlier.

Bit by bit I find I'm transforming my house based on my favorite childhood memories.  These were largely from my Grandmother's house and my aunt and uncles farm house.

The corner hutch has the glass house my friend Beth Rose made for me for my 60th birthday.  I had Left Brain drill holes so I could run the cord up to the top.  Now it's totally safe from being damaged and provides a lovely light.  Alexa is tucked up there as well since she's voice operated anyway.

The area by the hutch is primarily old trucks and cars. 

My cousin has agreed to return my framed photo of an old red truck I'd given to her earlier and I can hardly wait to place it on the one wall I have to do so.  It fits in with my theme as well as a memory of our trip to Alaska where I photographed it.  My Dad had a red pickup truck like that in his Texaco gas station also.

I purchased these chair covers online and love how they transform the room.  I ordered a set in yellow but they were more gold in color but I still liked them.

I made this table cover to hide all the junk stored on the shelves and it matches the chair covers nicely.  The cats enjoy having another place to hide and explore.  It's all about keeping the cats entertained.

Long Live the Queen


  1. This room is so inviting. You've done a lovely job on it. I agree about keeping the cats happy. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Nicely done. Good things to keep you busy during this time.
