Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Evolution of the shed

After writing up the blog about the garden expansion it made me realize how much the shed has changed.

The shed started out sitting on the little deck area.  Left Brain added a little raised garden on the side and I have tried various things to make it attractive.

I added a little sign about it being a private dock and set up a flower stand.  Better, but still pretty boring.

The following June 2019 Left Brain made it into a raised garden and I added the bright blue door for a pop or color and this funky sink.  Having good soil finally made it a joy to plant.  

Long Live the Queen

Gardening In Far Places

One of my latest gardening adventure was at the home of my friend and adopted daughter, Christy. My daughter Stephanie and I joined with her to create a more invited entry garden to her townhouse.

We met in the morning to have some breakfast.  I attempted the recipe I saw on Facebook, an egg bake in a bundt pan.  They show the photo of the dish while in the pan and now I know why.  This is what it looked like when we pried it out of the pan.  I guess I needed to grease it better.

But the girls liked it anyway.

First we removed the weeds and assessed the soil and then it was time to dig in!

It was fun to watch the girls working away and knowing I was able to pass down my love of gardening to another generation.

Stephanie had rescued the variegated hostas from a waste dump and we used them to create this hosta garden.  They should bounce back once they recover from transplant shock and be just fine. 

Here is the before and after photo.

Long Live the Queen

Gardening Outside My Yard

Since my gardens are getting full I've expanded into other areas...with their approval.

My neighbor wanted to do something around her tree as the roots make it hard to mow.  So I discussed the option of a rock garden to fit into the woodland feel of our park.

She ordered two tons of rock and we went to work.

First we circled the tree and then started adding lots and lots of good topsoil.

Then we filled in with plants and the fun began.

It's nice to have dirty friends to play with.

Long Live the Queen

Saturday, July 11, 2020

A Tale of Two Arbors

After extending the garden by the shed I wanted to add another arbor so there was a beginning and ending to my garden path.

This lovely white arbor caught my eye and it looked so pretty I ordered it without giving it a lot of thought.  Twitchy impulse fingers.

The assembly was absolutely awful and took forever using a lot of tools, glue and several creative curse words.

Once it was up it just didn't suit my garden.  Too white and the materials were not well-suited to growing vines, which is the whole idea.  Thankfully my daughter was wanting such a thing for the side of her house and took it off my hands.

The second one is exactly like the one at the other side of the yard and works much better.  Plus it was much nicer to assemble.  Thank you Menards!

I planted a Virginia creeper  that has variegated leaves on one side, hoping to cover it quickly.  I want to add some clematis next year also.  I transplanted the red climbing rose to the other side which will give it more sun.

Long Live the Queen