Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Evolution of the shed

After writing up the blog about the garden expansion it made me realize how much the shed has changed.

The shed started out sitting on the little deck area.  Left Brain added a little raised garden on the side and I have tried various things to make it attractive.

I added a little sign about it being a private dock and set up a flower stand.  Better, but still pretty boring.

The following June 2019 Left Brain made it into a raised garden and I added the bright blue door for a pop or color and this funky sink.  Having good soil finally made it a joy to plant.  

Long Live the Queen

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how different it all looks now. Beautiful! I wish you lived near me. I'd give you free reign in my yard. Sigh.....I can dream. Enjoy all this wonderful gardening with the girls and with Left Brain. Hugs, Edna B.
