Sunday, May 17, 2020

Cat Habits

When we go to bed at night we know that about half an hour later we will hear the yowling of the cats as they sing the song of their ancestors.

This is the time of night they like to haul things around the house...and they are very vocal when doing so.

George's thing is to drag the dish towel around, usually depositing it in the shower.  We don't know why.  Maybe he thinks he's a golden retriever?

Gracie always brings her toy mouse and deposits in the bedroom where I step on it in the morning. It's a really ratty thing and the stuffings are coming out, but it is her favorite.

The strange thing is that after Left Brain left for Minnesota they stopped doing this.  Apparently this was something they did for him.  

Long Live the Queen


  1. Isn't it amazing the things our pets will do for us? George is really so handsome. Gracie was probably gifting the mouse to you as a way of saying thank you for the wonderful care you give them. Enjoy your day my friend=, hugs, Edna B.
