Sunday, June 30, 2019

Working on some projects

I had  hoped to get up about 4:30 but thanks to the room darkening shades and comfort of my bed I slept in until 5:30 am.  Breakfast will have to wait for  a while as I need to get ahead of the heat for today's mission.

I backed out the car and moved the motorcycle to have access to all the under deck storage drawers.  Since the drawer behind the cat cage and partially blocked by the motorcycle is basically unreachable, this is where the stuff that we never look at but want to keep "just in case" will be stored.  This is scrap wood and metal, mesh fencing, various odds and ends.

The other drawers are mostly storage of seasonal items, seat cushions, etc.  I kept the one drawer that is somewhat accessible by just moving the car back a bit for the folding chairs, tables, etc.  This involved a lot of hustling to and fro and guzzling lots of water.

Once done I swept the driveway, pulled out the dead plants and cleaned up the mess that generated put everything back in place.  I removed the deck couch (just the metal frame) from the deck and put it outside so the bikes had a place to be for now. At this point the heat was intense enough I retreated back inside.

First thing was to start the first of three loads of laundry and get all those new sheets & towels washed. While those were going I started to tackle the replacement of the hardware in the bedroom.

I got the bookshelf set up with the printer on it and Alexa kept me company by playing the songs I requested as I boogied about the room doing my chores. 

The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes, so that needed to be tackled before I could do much else.  Yes, honey, I really miss your handling that job.  I couldn't figure what was wrong.  I kept stacking them in the sink but they were there the next morning.

In between the physical chores I did things like posting the patio door blinds to be given away and made calls to find out more about tai chi classes and the such.  I signed up for a Pilates class on Saturday before I left Minnesota, so that's in place.  I still have a lot of these kinds of calls to do, but that's a nice diversion when my body demands to sit down.

Lunch today was popcorn at the movie.  I needed to take a break and even though I was pretty grubby looking with my shorts & dirty shirt, hair stuck up on top of my head, I washed my face and headed out.  I figure I'm sitting in a dark theater anyway and I didn't have time to shower and change.  I went to see "Yesterday" and it was a nice reprieve from my labor.

When I got back home I continued working on the laundry and hardware.  Lots  of stuff is getting put into the storage area in the rear of the house and that's going to be a major chore to sort and clean.  But already I have several items for the Boutique.  That's what we call the area next to the dumpster where you put the nicer things for people to scavenge. 

I put my new yellow tablecloth on the table to enjoy.  Now I need a nice center piece.

I found my DVD and tai chi video, so I'll work on that this weekend and decide if I want to take classes or just do my own thing in my little haven.  I still haven't done the smudging ceremony of the house to clear the energy or meditated yet, but I really feel a need to have my house organized  and clean first.

The bathroom has a nasty odor in it and I can't even blame Left Brain for it.  So I plugged in my new essential oil diffuser using the orange oil to see if that helps.  After doing the Reiki session in Minnesota I find myself wanting to burn incense and things again.  The smell bothers Left Brain so this is my time to enjoy it while  I'm alone.

It feels so good to not be playing my stupid games nonstop, although I do indulge in them for a short period each day.  I find I listen more to my music and seldom turn the TV on.

Once the hectic cleaning and sorting is done I will start to experiment more with some cooking.  Right now I feel too busy to bother eating, which is a wonderful feeling not to be obsessing with the food.  I really do feel some of this is due to the Reiki session and opening the chakras.  I feel calmer and so much more focused.

My only disappointment today was that I had signed up to attend a free event in our ballroom, a patriotic event performance, but it was 5:00 PM and I had just sat down with my salad and had so much writing I wanted to accomplish.  I just didn't feel like going.  I had to assess my real feelings ...was I just avoiding having to "show up" or was not going a better use of my time.  I decided that pursuing my blogging and responding to the sweet email George sent me (yes, an email from my cat...but I think Left Brain helped with the typing) was more important and in line with my mission.

Long Live the Very Tired and Sore But Content Queen


  1. Cool! Where did you do your Reki Session in MN?-love Tracy

  2. I have a similar problem with the dishes. I put them in the sink, and when I go back they are3 still there. This is perplexing, but I haven't figured out yet how to get around washing them. Pogo doesn't send me text messages or emails, but every now and then he does go online and buy me a little gift. Our fur babies are just awesome! You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
