Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Day After Pilates

When I took my Pilates introduction class I remember thinking that I won't stay at the Level 1 very long.  I need to feel the burn!  This was too easy.  That was yesterday.

I woke up aching all over.  Okay, when it hurts to lift the toilet lid you know you're in trouble.  OMG.  That was just a half hour intro.  The classes are 50 minutes long and I signed up for pretty much a class every day.

I had my breakfast bagel and thought about the chores left on my list and then went back to bed.  I woke again about 10:30 and set out to see a 11:30 movie and get groceries.

The movie was ok, but I kept wishing it was over and almost fell asleep once.  Grocery shopping didn't happen.  I went straight home and back to bed.  The injection site from my shingles shot was sore.  My muscles were sore. My hair hurts.

My immediate thought was to call and try to cancel my membership before I got in too deep.  But that won't help me reach my goal...so I will bravely go on.

I'll be going to bed early again tonight.  I guess it's ok to take a day off now and then.

Long Live the Tired and Sore Queen


  1. Sorry you are so sore. I call those days I take off a 'productive self care day'. Feel better.

  2. I know it stinks when your mind wants to do it-but the body doesn’t-drink lots of water and take Aleve-good idea to cancel on the Pilates!-love Tracy

  3. I think you earned the bed rest. You are one very brave girl! Get some rest and feel better, hugs, Edna B.
