The capitalist greed in this country in the pursuit of fortune at the expense of the people never ceases to sicken me.
I can remember all the cigarette ads when I was a kid, on TV and billboards. Their goal was to make smoking sexy and desirable to hook young people as early in life as possible to create customers for life. And it worked.
The opioid crisis in the news right now is only beginning to be addressed. Millions of lives were (and continue to be) ruined to create multi-millionaires.
This documentary explained how the food consumed by American's are destroying our young people. Even though the government knows the vast amounts of sugar consumed is wrong and causing dire consequences it continues to promote sugar. Why? Because of the lobbyists from all the companies making a fortune from selling their product. Who do you think came up with the food pyramid that we all were taught to follow?
Childhood obesity is at an all time high and for the first time in history we are looking at a generation that will not live as long as their parents. The medical expenses are staggering as diabetes starts earlier and earlier in children.

On a financial basis it might sound good at first, but when you start to see food as medicine it's a disaster.
Then there's the targeting of children by commercials for candy and sweets everywhere they turn. All the cartoons are peppered with ads for candy, just like prime time TV had the cigarette ads.

It's the same philosophy.
Hook them on sugar when they're young and you have a customer for life. Worked before, and it's working now.
It is so disappointing that America would continue to exploit the public for the profit of big corporations. Mexico has outlawed the use of candy commercials for their children.
We on the other hand increase the commercialization of the product higher for Hispanic and other minority populations in an attack on the most vulnerable.
Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. In a study of cocaine addicted rats, they choose sugar water over cocaine. It just makes me so angry at the injustice of it all.
I've had my own love-hate relationship with sugar as a child started on coca-cola at 8 months in my bottle. To her defense, it was encouraged. But I've battled with sugar all my life. I know when I over indulge I have severe mood swings and yet once I get a taste of it it's almost impossible for me to stop, much like an alcoholic or drug addict.
Long Live the FED UP Queen
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