I had planned to get up early and go find some pickleball players, but I slept in until 7 am...too late. So I decided to tackle some of the items on my list. Today's mission was to clean up the back storage area. It seemed daunting at first but with a little music the job went fast. Cleared through a bunch of stuff and tossed tons of old papers.
For today's shopping excursion I purchased an indoor electric grill to cook my vegetables. Since this was at Best Buy I picked up another Fire-stick also and a second Echo Dot. I managed to install the Fire-stick I purchased over a year ago on one TV and wanted to do it again while it was fresh in my mind. For whatever reason I'm no longer anxious about trying new things. This is a new feeling for me but I'm kind of liking it. My only shopping failure was to find the soft tofu for a recipe I'm doing. But tonight will be some heavy googling and I WILL find it. Since it was noon now and I was hungry I called in an order of red curry with vegetables to pick up on the way home. Yummm! I still have half of it left for another meal. My neighbor stopped by and helped me remove the fabric panel over the blinds in the Arizona room. I was on the phone with Left Brain at the time and told him a man was here to do provide a screwing service. I thought that might get his mind going and make him jealous. All he said was to say hello to Paul. Sigh. The man knows me too well. Once the hardware is off I think I'll leave the vertical blinds up and add the drapery panels over them. He'll be back later to remove the blinds from the patio door. Supper time came and I still have no appetite so I had three light mozzarella sticks and saltine crackers. Dessert was watermelon. I don't know why I'm not starving, it feels so strange. Long Live the Queen of Technology
I watched a documentary called FED UP and found myself getting more and more angry. The capitalist greed in this country in the pursuit of fortune at the expense of the people never ceases to sicken me.
I can remember all the cigarette ads when I was a kid, on TV and billboards. Their goal was to make smoking sexy and desirable to hook young people as early in life as possible to create customers for life. And it worked. The opioid crisis in the news right now is only beginning to be addressed. Millions of lives were (and continue to be) ruined to create multi-millionaires. This documentary explained how the food consumed by American's are destroying our young people. Even though the government knows the vast amounts of sugar consumed is wrong and causing dire consequences it continues to promote sugar. Why? Because of the lobbyists from all the companies making a fortune from selling their product. Who do you think came up with the food pyramid that we all were taught to follow? Childhood obesity is at an all time high and for the first time in history we are looking at a generation that will not live as long as their parents. The medical expenses are staggering as diabetes starts earlier and earlier in children. The film explained that when the school lunch budget was slashed the schools turned to processed foods and fast food options to save money. On a financial basis it might sound good at first, but when you start to see food as medicine it's a disaster. Then there's the targeting of children by commercials for candy and sweets everywhere they turn. All the cartoons are peppered with ads for candy, just like prime time TV had the cigarette ads.
Favorite cartoon characters are featured on sugary products such as breakfast cereals and candy. It's the same philosophy. Hook them on sugar when they're young and you have a customer for life. Worked before, and it's working now. It is so disappointing that America would continue to exploit the public for the profit of big corporations. Mexico has outlawed the use of candy commercials for their children.
We on the other hand increase the commercialization of the product higher for Hispanic and other minority populations in an attack on the most vulnerable. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. In a study of cocaine addicted rats, they choose sugar water over cocaine. It just makes me so angry at the injustice of it all.
I've had my own love-hate relationship with sugar as a child started on coca-cola at 8 months in my bottle. To her defense, it was encouraged. But I've battled with sugar all my life. I know when I over indulge I have severe mood swings and yet once I get a taste of it it's almost impossible for me to stop, much like an alcoholic or drug addict. Long Live the FED UP Queen
The original plan was to stay six weeks and do all kinds of things while alone. I did get a fair amount of stuff done, but I find myself homesick. Which is strange because technically I am "home" but I'm feeling pretty alone. I've been working too hard to accomplish things and not spending enough time on the other fun things I had planned. All in my control, but nevertheless it's how it's been going. Did I mention it's really hot here? My neighbors have all taken off for their mountain retreats and I have nobody to play with. I'm finding myself eating too much sugar to comfort my feelings of loneliness and this has caused some wild mood fluctuations and depression. So, I cancelled my Pilates classes, allergy test, tickets for a show at the Silver Star theater and booked a flight home on the 13th of July. About a month earlier than expected. The Pilates Club was understanding and I was within my grace period so I was able to cancel my contract. They were very wonderful about it. The allergy test has been rescheduled for October 31st. I told them I'd come dressed for Halloween as a patient. This is a long half day test to see if I really am allergic to penicillin, something I've never been completely sure about. Since I cancelled my show tickets early enough I will have a voucher for another show during the season. The only thing that has kept me here is that the patio door installation is booked for the 10th and I want to see that through. I almost arranged to fly out that same afternoon but didn't in case they came late, run into difficulty or whatever...just to be safe. I've told Left Brain that I miss George & Gracie so much and can't function without a cat on my lap. It's actually him I miss but don't anyone tell him that. I don't want people to think I've gone soft. I'll be heading to the mountains on Friday to visit Sandy & Paul and stay with Vicki. If I can't bring my friends on the mountain to me, I'll bring me to the mountain. I understand I'm to pack my cowboy boots for a rodeo that evening. This group knows how to have a good time. It will be good to be with "my people" until I can be home with my husband and cats. Long Live the Queen of "You CAN Go Home Again"
When I took my Pilates introduction class I remember thinking that I won't stay at the Level 1 very long. I need to feel the burn! This was too easy. That was yesterday.
I woke up aching all over. Okay, when it hurts to lift the toilet lid you know you're in trouble. OMG. That was just a half hour intro. The classes are 50 minutes long and I signed up for pretty much a class every day. I had my breakfast bagel and thought about the chores left on my list and then went back to bed. I woke again about 10:30 and set out to see a 11:30 movie and get groceries. The movie was ok, but I kept wishing it was over and almost fell asleep once. Grocery shopping didn't happen. I went straight home and back to bed. The injection site from my shingles shot was sore. My muscles were sore. My hair hurts. My immediate thought was to call and try to cancel my membership before I got in too deep. But that won't help me reach my goal...so I will bravely go on. I'll be going to bed early again tonight. I guess it's ok to take a day off now and then. Long Live the Tired and Sore Queen
Woke bright and early again about 5:30 even though I read until about 11:00 pm last night. Each day feels so fresh and new...not sure where all this energy is coming from. I finished installing the new hardware in the bedroom. Each step eliminates a little more gold. The new drawer pull is on the top - the other two are the old ones that have been removed. The new turquoise sheets are on the bed and I wrestled the duvet cover on the duvet and this will be my summer bed. The bedspread and blanket went into the laundry to be washed and stored away. The blinds are all spoken for but I'm going to need help taking them down. Paul has graciously agreed to help me with this.
At noon I had my first ever Pilates class and found I really enjoyed it. I signed up for the unlimited sessions. There is a minimum contract of three months so I'll attend in July and then suspend classes until I return in October. As I gazed around the room at all the contraptions I wondered if we needed to have a "safe word". My plan is to attend a class each day. After class I went to Red White & Brew for jambalaya. Yeah, I know...not vegetarian but it's one of my favorite meals and I was celebrating. I boxed up my left overs and promptly forgot it on the table. Rats. I really wanted another serving of that later. Then it was time to get to Wal-Mart and pick up my prescriptions. While there I had the first of my Shingles vaccines. The next one comes two months later. I got most of the groceries needed for the Summer Corn Chowder, but couldn't find the silken tofu. I'll check at Fry's. I also picked up a large air purifier for the Arizona room and a new dust buster since the other one died. So far each day seems to involve a little work and a little shopping. Long Live the Queen