It's the end of February and we're far away from the sun and sand and sitting in a motel in Illinois. It seems wrong to be fleeing good weather and heading into ice and snow, but I couldn't be happier. There's no place like home! I miss my family and friends. I miss my big house with more than one room.
Even She Devil is getting cranky...oh wait, that's normal for her.
Taking care of She Devil is a full time job. She wants to sit in my lap, lay on my shoulder, beg treats from me, demand water from her special travel bottle, ride on the dashboard using the GPS as a pillow. Lift me up...set me down...feed me.. pet me... water me.... I did suggest to Left Brain that we call them and offer her as a donation.
I don't think I'm capable of photography right now anyway. We stopped at Cracker Barrel for lunch and I was having trouble cutting my chicken when Left Brain suggested using a fork instead of my spoon. I hadn't even realized it wasn't a fork....must get off the road.
Then we missed our turn because we were talking and listening to Dr Laura, but we were still basically going north, so it ended up I got some great therapy from her on the route.
Then there was a sign on the freeway that said "Don't drive tired" so we pulled off the road and settled in some motel somewhere and ready for another supper of sandwiches and stale Doritos.
Mmmmm. I miss my kitchen - and THAT's a statement most of my friends have never heard.
Long Sleep the Exhausted Queen (and her little cat, too)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Playing cribbage with the cat
Okay, we’re getting a bit bored with our limited lifestyle down here. We’ve figured out each other too well and agreed to let She Devil into our cribbage game just to spice things up.
She’s a pretty fast learner, but I’m really sick of holding the cards for her and hearing her whine about the “I don’t have any thumbs” thing and how my services are mandated under DAMN CAT (Disabled Abilities Must Not Cause Any Trouble).
At least when we play Scrabble she can maneuver the tiles easier with her paws and teeth. But I hate the words she comes up with. They all sound like hairballs, but when I check them against the official Scrabble dictionary…there they are. It’s not that I’m a sore loser, but let’s just say we don’t play a lot of Scrabble together any more.
Her math is actually better than mine and she makes her decisions much quicker than Left Brain who has to analyze everything. I just keep the cards I think are the prettiest and brightest and count as a ten so it’s easier to count. He assures me that’s hurting my game and he’s probably right as his score is much higher than mine.

Long Live Queen of the Pegs
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Florida signs of interest
We have seen some very unusual signs down here in Florida. Not all of them are that unique to just this state, like the bear crossing sign...but it's something you don't see in Wisconsin. We have signs warning you of cow crossings....something I have not seen down here.
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they'd prefer we walk on the plants? |
And there seem to be a number of signs relating to sea shells. This tells you where to walk.
And this one warns you not to clean them in the restrooms. There was one on the men's room also, so they are politically correct. It's apparently not just Sally who sells sea shells by the sea shore.
And speaking of "shores" - there are a number of Adopt a Shore signs here. Our question was do we choose Eric or Colleen Shore? She's a lot of fun, but he does undo the damage I do to the computers he sells me. Such a choice to have to make!
Now I do realize that this is not an uncommon bank, but I haven't seen many of these back home. When I was a kid I remember First Federal and First National ... everyone wanted to be first. And even though I was taught if you're number two you try harder...but what does this say? I'm really confused.
This one made a statement.....a very vague one. Why not just say "no semis". It seems to infer that although "it's not really a good idea for a semi to try this turn, but go ahead if you feel you must".
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What? |
I'm not sure what prompted this one - I'm just glad I wasn't wearing my 7" spikes that day! Is it so you are able to run after your child?
It really ticked off Left Brain when they made him go put on something else before they'd let him on the pathways.
And for those who think they might need to get to a doctor, or probably will after they text to find out how long the wait will be.....
And for those who think they might need to get to a doctor, or probably will after they text to find out how long the wait will be.....
Long Live the Queen of the Sensible Shoes
Friday, February 25, 2011
True Confessions
Sometimes I like to pretend I’m a priest. Yes, I know that’s an odd occupational fantasy for a Jewish woman, but I like to think a woman really could be a priest some day. Well, I suppose that even if THAT were possible the Vatican would probably veto me for being Jewish.
This pastime started innocently enough as I would wander through my garden and chant the Latin names of the plants as I sprinkled the miracle grow. I like to swing it side to side while chanting and I feel very much like a…well, maybe priestess would be a better term. Kind of Mother Nature-like if you know what I mean. It’s quite appropriate when you consider I am handing out “miracle” grow here and giving them my blessing.
They say that talking to the plants helps them grow and I do believe this. I remember last summer when I had some salvia that just doesn’t doing well and I went into my Godfather role while threatening them. I’d yank out some lackluster performer and holding it up as an example I'd admonish the rest with “You see this….this could be you. Now…I’m a gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse. You either shape up and grow straight or you’ll swim with the compost”. I then cut off a small plastic horse’s head and left it in their midst. I think they got the picture because they flourished afterwards. But then again, it may have been the rain we got that night….who knows.
This may have been somewhat induced by heatstroke as that flower bed is out by the road and in full sun, something I don’t handle very well. Which is unfortunate as this is where the neighbors are able to view me as I crawl along on my hands and knees in the dirt muttering to myself. I’ve noticed that some of the younger families make their children cross to the other side of the street when I’m in the yard. I believe I’ve become THAT woman in the neighborhood that kids talk about. Most of the adult neighbors just walk by with their wineglasses and smile. I love this valley.
Anyway, I digress. In our canned ham the screen door has a small plastic slide to access the handle and keep the insects out. Left Brain was outside grilling supper last night and I was sitting on the toolbox that holds his clothes by the bunk bed chatting with him. I forget what he said (actually I seldom listen as he’s usually talking to himself) and all of a sudden I felt the compulsion strike.
I slid the door open and asked in my best Irish brogue “what is it you’d like to tell me, my son?” He turned and looked confused….as he often does….and I continued with “go forth and say two Oy Veys and three Hail Mary’s and you will be forgiven”. Then I slammed the little partition closed. He was caught off guard, but his early childhood Catholic training kicked in and started to laugh.
It just proves that confession is good for the soul.
Long Live the High Priestess of the Canned Ham
Hoodwinked Again

We passed a sign yesterday advertising William Slicker – attorney at law. I thought that was an unfortunate name for a lawyer and could imagine all the Slick Willy insults he must endure. It was right up there with finding a urologist named Rusty Dick.
We went recently to a manatee viewing station and yes, we could see there were many manatees in the water, but it's hard to get a good photo since they are, well...underwater. But I did notice a guy working high up on top of the smokestack. So, this is my photo of a man-at-ease.
We went recently to a manatee viewing station and yes, we could see there were many manatees in the water, but it's hard to get a good photo since they are, well...underwater. But I did notice a guy working high up on top of the smokestack. So, this is my photo of a man-at-ease.
But yesterday I was treated to a real pleasure. A man winked at me. When you reach a certain age (it varies for everyone) you notice that men don’t do this anymore. The young men call you ma’am and the baggers offer to help you to your car. Do I really look that old? Have we been on vacation too long? That’s the plus (or minus) of not having a mirror in the canned ham. I know I’ve startled myself occasionally when using a public restroom, but I thought it was just because I forget what I look like.
It’s hot – I’m tired and yes, I’ve let myself “go”. But I still haven’t gone shopping at Wal-Mart in my swim suit or pajamas…yet. I fear that if we stay down here much longer, that may happen, but only if I have an attack of insomnia and do my shopping at 3:00am – then it seems to be standard attire and nobody really cares.
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I know I used this on recently but I just like it so much! |
But this man made eye contact with me and he appeared to be much younger than I am. We were driving by and my hair was blowing in the breeze, so all he could see was my face really. It’s not like those other times when I’d realize I wasn’t dressed.
He was just beginning to straddle his bicycle (a regular one…not one of those three wheelers) and as he alit on his studly bike he winked at me….and smiled a very sexy little grin.
I couldn’t wait to brag to Left Brain about my secret admirer. I turned to him, my face flushed with a burst of long forgotten estrogen and said “Did you see that!”
He burst my bubble when he admitted that he did notice the man but averted his eyes so as to not cause embarrassment to the him. Huh? Some sort of unwritten "man code" I guess.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well” Left Brain replied, “It’s pretty obvious that he hurt himself landing hard on the bike saddle.”

Well….everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how flawed it may be. Left Brain saw it as a wince and a grimace – I prefer to see it as a lusty man overwhelmed by my pure beauty.
Long Live the Queen of Wink Wink Nudge Nudge
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Confessions about the Skype Test
I've been asked by readers if yesterdays skype test incident was real.
Well, yes and no. The test itself was real, the flashing incident was not. I had thought of doing it, but then resisted the urge. I'm quite pleased to know I actually CAN use some restraint in my actions. But knowing the way my life goes, it could have happened.
Our friend Biker Boy sent a photo of a blue footed boobie in an effort to prove I'm not crazy. Well, it's probably a tad late for that. But they do exist and they are blue footed. I wish now that I had added blue aqua socks to the story.
Left Brain and I were hiking through Fort DeSoto Park and they have these cut out images along the path with historical information. I just had to have him take a photo of one of the Natives getting frisky.
We received messages from the Lord yesterday. I realize many of you have been the benefactor of this...but via Fed Ex? To begin with my neighbor the Lutheran minister is sending me my mail and we are very grateful to him for this. But to have the box hand delivered to us by Annette Lord? This was just too much of a coincidence! We were certain the contents would be mystical and magical...but alas it was the usual bank statements, bills, offers from Charter and seed catalogs. All of which were opened with glee. When you only open the mail once or twice a month it's a special event.
Long Live the Queen of the Startled
Well, yes and no. The test itself was real, the flashing incident was not. I had thought of doing it, but then resisted the urge. I'm quite pleased to know I actually CAN use some restraint in my actions. But knowing the way my life goes, it could have happened.
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What was that screaming sound? |
Left Brain and I were hiking through Fort DeSoto Park and they have these cut out images along the path with historical information. I just had to have him take a photo of one of the Natives getting frisky.
We received messages from the Lord yesterday. I realize many of you have been the benefactor of this...but via Fed Ex? To begin with my neighbor the Lutheran minister is sending me my mail and we are very grateful to him for this. But to have the box hand delivered to us by Annette Lord? This was just too much of a coincidence! We were certain the contents would be mystical and magical...but alas it was the usual bank statements, bills, offers from Charter and seed catalogs. All of which were opened with glee. When you only open the mail once or twice a month it's a special event.
Long Live the Queen of the Startled
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Book recommendations
I have received a couple of reading recommendations from my followers.
Miss Edna enjoys bird and flower magazines as well as anything written by Rosamund Pilcher or her son, Robin. I've not checked into any of these and will have to give them a look.
My crazy cousin, Rodeo Girl, likes the Bloody Jack series by LA Meyer. Knowing her, I imagine it's very good. Thanks for the recommendations and I'll give them a look.
Keep reading everyone! We love our Amazon Kindles and find them a perfect way to travel and have something to read at all times. I usually have two or three books loaded that I read off and on.
If you love reading and want to share this gift, contact your local Literacy Council and ask how you can be a mentor in their program. This is something I've done back home and I miss my weekly sessions with my student. It's fulfilling in so many ways.
Long Live the Queen of Books
Miss Edna enjoys bird and flower magazines as well as anything written by Rosamund Pilcher or her son, Robin. I've not checked into any of these and will have to give them a look.
My crazy cousin, Rodeo Girl, likes the Bloody Jack series by LA Meyer. Knowing her, I imagine it's very good. Thanks for the recommendations and I'll give them a look.
Keep reading everyone! We love our Amazon Kindles and find them a perfect way to travel and have something to read at all times. I usually have two or three books loaded that I read off and on.
If you love reading and want to share this gift, contact your local Literacy Council and ask how you can be a mentor in their program. This is something I've done back home and I miss my weekly sessions with my student. It's fulfilling in so many ways.
Long Live the Queen of Books
Can you see me NOW?
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My Man, Left Brain |
Our internet connection at the RV park in Florida is iffy and we weren't confident this would work. So, we both sat at the table and played dueling laptops for a test run.
Too close together...the microphones were echoing off each other sounding a bit like the theme from 'Deliverance'. I was then sent to the Coping Cabana to receive his call there. I’d often feared it would come to this ...communicating through electronic devices while within each others sight.
So, I packed up my trusty laptop and out the door I went. I checked in on She Devil before setting up. Yup, there she is...rolling in the dirt underneath the trailer. She enjoys laying in the dust and weeds, watching people go by. It gives trailer trash a whole new meaning.
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the scene of the crime |
The call went through and I could see him, but he said he was not able to see my face. He then explained the webcam is the little gizmo on the top of the screen. Oh I'm going to feel paranoid, like I'm being watched all the time.
"You need to adjust it upwards" he said, "all I can see are your boobs."
"You need to adjust it upwards" he said, "all I can see are your boobs."
I’m looking at his image and thinking, all I see is a boob too. Now, in hindsight I know I should have just done as he said, but I was taken with the humor of it decided to REALLY give him something to look at.
So I raised my shirt up and flashed him on the computer.
Now, this was all done quickly and probably would have gone unnoticed. If I weren’t laughing so hard. But that’s apparently what drew the attention of the couple walking past our trailer.
When they turned to wave, the man was struck dumb. His wife shot me a dirty look and yanked him forward. He was still smiling and waving to me as he was dragged away.
I sure hope this doesn't cause a second ambulance call to the park.
When they turned to wave, the man was struck dumb. His wife shot me a dirty look and yanked him forward. He was still smiling and waving to me as he was dragged away.
I sure hope this doesn't cause a second ambulance call to the park.
Long Live the Queen of the Boobs
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
book reviews and answers to questions
A question was posted asking what I was doing in the men's bathroom at the art museum in yesterdays blog. Well, let me just say....that's none of your business!
Actually, I needed to go and there were two doors marked gentlemen. I figured this was probably part of their humor since I hadn't seen a ladies room. I go. Then when I noticed the urinal placed up near the ceiling I started to laugh and just HAD to check out the other one. the nice lady finally directed me to the ladies room, which was absolutely stunning.
Left Brain is fine with this, I think, I've never really asked his opinion. Mostly he just pretends he doesn't know who I am.
Anyway...time for the book reports. We both just finished reading House Rules and loved it. If you've ever wanted to learn more about autism and Aspergers, this is both educational and an interesting read, as all her books tend to be.
I had read Jane Eyre and now Left Brain is reading it and enjoying it very much. I didn't know how he'd like it with the older style of speech, but as he said, he was enchanted by it. It's an old classic that is timeless and seems to be one of those I'd missed in high school. He has finished War and Peace, but I haven't tackled it yet.
I just finished The Murderer's Daughters and found it very interesting. I have to confess that I'd never given much thought to the families of those in jail and how these crimes may have impacted theirs. It certainly gave me a new perspective and appreciation for that population.
Long Live the Queen of Books -
Actually, I needed to go and there were two doors marked gentlemen. I figured this was probably part of their humor since I hadn't seen a ladies room. I go. Then when I noticed the urinal placed up near the ceiling I started to laugh and just HAD to check out the other one. the nice lady finally directed me to the ladies room, which was absolutely stunning.
Left Brain is fine with this, I think, I've never really asked his opinion. Mostly he just pretends he doesn't know who I am.
Anyway...time for the book reports. We both just finished reading House Rules and loved it. If you've ever wanted to learn more about autism and Aspergers, this is both educational and an interesting read, as all her books tend to be.
I had read Jane Eyre and now Left Brain is reading it and enjoying it very much. I didn't know how he'd like it with the older style of speech, but as he said, he was enchanted by it. It's an old classic that is timeless and seems to be one of those I'd missed in high school. He has finished War and Peace, but I haven't tackled it yet.
I just finished The Murderer's Daughters and found it very interesting. I have to confess that I'd never given much thought to the families of those in jail and how these crimes may have impacted theirs. It certainly gave me a new perspective and appreciation for that population.
Long Live the Queen of Books -
Foggy Bottom Morning
Yesterday we both took showers and Left Brain forgot his towel. When he threatened to streak to the car (I was too busy sitting in his reclining lawn chair playing scrabble to fetch it for him) I thought...whoa, that's a possible story. So - another attempt at a short story. This is totally fictional...I'm not a complete idiot, I still have work to do to achieve that status.
Picture it - a little canned ham parked in an adult only (not X-rated, you just have to be over 55) RV park in Florida.....
It was a foggy morning – not outside… just inside my head. No amount of caffeine was helping to clear it. Maybe some nice refined white sugar – yeah, that will do the trick I thought as I grabbed the last sweet roll.
I like my breakfast rolls warm, so I popped it into the microwave and punched in my PIN number for a cash withdrawal. Oh, this is going to be a LONG day!
Maybe I need to take a shower and get some clean undies… it’s been a while. That will snap me out of my fog. So, while the microwave tried to figure out what my bank balance was I went into the shoilet to take a shower.
With my eyes full of soap I reached for a washcloth…what the… I had forgotten to remove the toilet paper. Oh well, it might work. Nope. Now I have little blobs of wet toilet paper all over my face. After removing this mess I managed to wash and rinse my hair. I did not do the repeat cycle – it just seemed to risky.
Dang…I had forgotten to bring in a bath towel, but luckily Left Brain left his within reach on his upper bunk. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, so I snatched it up and dried myself off. Oh yeah, clean clothes. I hadn’t thought that far ahead.
The microwave dinged. I had heated my breakfast roll to the tune of about a $50 withdrawal, so I tossed that into the trash and took my receipt. This is the oddest morning I’ve ever had.
Clothes. The thought penetrated through my fog long enough to realize I had no clean clothes to put on. This is the problem with storing your clothes in the back of the van due to lack of space in our hamlet. It requires some advance directive and that’s just not the way I roll.
Hmmm. What to do? The van isn’t that far way and I could wrap the towel around me and dash out and grab clothes and be back inside the canned ham before anyone even notices me. I’ll be quiet and stealthy. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
I did hesitate for just a second as some of the fog lifted and I pondered whether or not this was a good idea. But the fog hadn’t lifted that far yet. I rationalized that the beach towel covered me better than most swimsuits on the beach and this was a retirement community and their vision probably isn’t all that good and I proceeded with my plan.
First step involved opening the hatch back with the remote – I love that feature and it’s largely why I chose this vehicle. Well! That’s not working too well. The hatch isn’t opening at all. What the ……
I put the TV remove back down and picked up my key fob. It’s this weird looking thing that doesn’t actually have a key – it’s a black fob with lots of buttons and you insert the whole thing into the ignition switch. Odd thing.
I punched in a button and the left rear door opened. Nope, wrong one. Tried it again and the right rear door opened. Nope. Making lots of noise now as the doors ping to warn people standing nearby that they are about to open. Oh yeah – the one here that you need to punch twice to open the back hatch.
The car beeped twice and started up. I had hit the remote start. Darn it. Now I have to get into the driver’s seat and insert the fob so I could turn the car off. Darn it darn it darn it darn it!
I secured my bath towel around my ample girth and slipped into my thongs. No, no,no…. not the underwear… the shoes. Eeeeewh! I streaked out the door and jumped into the car. After inserting the fob and turning off the engine I closed the side doors and found the correct button to open the back hatch.
I could see that my clothes bin was where it should be (a minor miracle) and the lid was off. Oh, clean undies are so close! All I needed to do now was jump out of the driver’s side door, go to the back, scoop up some clothes and get back into the house without being seen. I waved back to the nice couple walking their little black poodle and tried to act like nothing was unusual about sitting in ones car in a beach towel. I mean this IS Florida.
Okay….they’re around the corner. The coast is clear. I jumped out of the van and slammed the door shut. Then my thongs slid on the dewy sand (mud actually) and I went down. I went down alone. The towel stayed firmly lodged in the door. To say I had never felt so stupid was an understatement….and I have had lots of experience with this feeling.
I scrambled to my feet and began a losing battle of tug of war with the towel. Forget the clean clothes – I just needed to get back into the canned ham.
I almost knocked Left Brain over as I burst through the door. He started to ask why the TV was on a Spanish station and then really noticed me. “Oh honey, you’re a mess – you should take a shower”.
I started to explain what had happened, and we heard sirens. I asked him to wait so I could explain it to both he and the nice man in uniform at the same time. We’re going to get kicked out of the park for sure this time.
I pulled on my dirty clothes over my muddy body since I really prefer not being handcuffed in the nude. I do have my limits as to what’s acceptable, low as they are.
Left Brain just shook his head at me and sighed. He’s learned over the years not to even ask questions.
Then I noticed that the squad car pulled up into the trailer across the street and was followed quickly by an EMT vehicle. It appears the man across the street had been watching birds with his binoculars and had a mild heart attack.
He kept muttering something about seeing a Blue Footed Boobie as they took him away and they kept explaining that that species didn’t exist in Florida. I’m thinking he was trying to say “bare footed boobies” but was still in shock when his binoculars swiveled to me as he heard all the commotion.
I feel a little responsible for what happened but sometimes it’s best not to say anything. At least we didn’t get kicked out of the park…yet.
Now. I think I’ll go get some clean clothes from the van and go take a shower. Let’s see….where’s my towel?
Long Live the Queen of Tales
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Marietta Museum of Art & Whimsy

Actually he wasn't real, but you'd never know it! I kept staring at him and waiting for him to blink.
The other lady sitting near him was obviously not real, but she was just as interesting...especially to a doll maker like myself. I'm going to have to make more life sized dolls
Every aspect of this museum was fascinating...down to the tiniest details. The colors chosen were wonderful, the art is exquisite and the staff very friendly. I had the opportunity to meet Marietta herself while there.

There is more than just the inside of the museum - the back yard is vast and each area is tastefully arranged with eye candy to drool over. She is hoping to be able to add a gift shop in the future.
The museum is located at 2121 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota FL 34234. The phone number for the museum is 941-364-3399 and Marietta's email is
It is open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 1 - 4PM. There wasn't any website listed on the business card provided to me, so you'll just have to make the drive down there and check it out yourself.
Everywhere you turn the view is just stunning. The walls are all gorgeous warm fun colors with statuary everywhere, including the rooftop. I was taken back with the urinal in the mens room...not so unusual except that it was positioned near the ceiling.
They were setting up for a class on adding shells and glass to an archway when I was there that looked very interesting.
I probably could have stayed longer because Left Brain looked very comfortable visiting with his new friends. But.....alas we had places to go and things to see.
Long Live the Queen of Whimsy
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Z is for Zootrophy

I spend a lot of time as the personal wait staff of She Devil who can't seem to adapt to a normal food and water dish like other cats. This is her version of "straight up".
She prefers to either drink out of her special glass, a blue cup with Tweety Bird on it, but I forgot to bring that one. She has settled for a normal one like we use, but begrudgingly.
She wanted an over-sized martini glass for Happy Hour out in the Coping Cabana, but I was worried about what the neighbors might say. She'll have to wait until she's home to use her special Happy Hour glass in the privacy of her own deck.
Yes, she eats from a regular plate and at the table with the rest of us. It's just our abnormal cozy little family dining together at the table. Her manners are quite nice though, as you can see she does not have her elbows on the table.
I also liked the word Zambra - a spanish dance. I've inserted a You Tube video of a dancing dog - she's not actually doing the zambra (I don't think ... how the heck would I know?) but it's pretty fun.
Then there is Zanyism - which just means buffonery. Now, even though the alphabet series has ended (thank G-d!), it is in no means the end of the zanyism.
Long Live the Zany Queen!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Y is for Yonderly
Oh, there were so many fun words starting with Y to choose from. Yonderly means mentally or emotionally distant - absent minded. I felt the closest connection to that one. The other choices were yawny - prone to yawning, but that seemed more like Left Brain.
Yowie means a little ewe - and I'm not too sheepish to admit that I think of all of ewe often. And that's not a baaaaad thing.
Yesterday (another 'Y') we visited the Museum of Art and Whimsy in Sarasota and it was absolutely the coolest place I've seen that promotes whimsical art! There will be more coming on that with lots of photos and information as to how to find it. My friend, Mrs Potter, told me about it when she visited recently and I'm so glad she did.
"Y" is this segment so short you may ask?
Because I'm having too much fun working on the "Z"s....and I don't mean my sleeping!
I'm excited to be finishing up the alphabet so I can post whatever odd thing happens at the time instead of having to think so far ahead.
Long Live the Queen of ADD
Yowie means a little ewe - and I'm not too sheepish to admit that I think of all of ewe often. And that's not a baaaaad thing.
Yesterday (another 'Y') we visited the Museum of Art and Whimsy in Sarasota and it was absolutely the coolest place I've seen that promotes whimsical art! There will be more coming on that with lots of photos and information as to how to find it. My friend, Mrs Potter, told me about it when she visited recently and I'm so glad she did.
"Y" is this segment so short you may ask?
Because I'm having too much fun working on the "Z"s....and I don't mean my sleeping!
I'm excited to be finishing up the alphabet so I can post whatever odd thing happens at the time instead of having to think so far ahead.
Long Live the Queen of ADD
Friday, February 18, 2011
X is for X-tra added features to the blog
What! Did you think you were going to get some X-rated photos or something? Oh, you sick people! Well, this is the best I could do for you. I found it on She Devil's laptop when she was in that Big Cat Chat room with Schneider. Thank goodness she never got a chance to send it or there's no telling what kind of perverted cat may have replied.
This blogging stuff has been X-citing and a learning adventure, that's for sure. Yesterday I figured out how to add a You Tube video and now I've added music.
There is an MP3 player at the bottom of all the postings that you can turn on to enjoy some music while you read of the torrid misadventures of my life. I have it set to the Blues right now, but I'm hoping each person can set it to their favorite genre on their computer. Please....let me know if this was successful for you as I have no other way of knowing.
The Neocounter was a bit of a disappointment as it's only tracking from February 16th, so I need all of you fans from exotic places to keep checking in to add your national flag to the blog. I'm amazed when I see places like Kuwait, Singapore, the Netherlands and the like. How on earth are you finding this? No, really...I want to know!
Also added is a comment box below each blog that you can mark as funny or interesting or whatever the categories are - I've forgotten already. This is for those who don't have the energy to leave an entire comment.
I've moved the total page views to the top to show total page views for all time, which amazes me considering I only started to do this on January 1, 2011.
So, that's about it for the X files today.
Long Live the Queen XOXOXO
This blogging stuff has been X-citing and a learning adventure, that's for sure. Yesterday I figured out how to add a You Tube video and now I've added music.
There is an MP3 player at the bottom of all the postings that you can turn on to enjoy some music while you read of the torrid misadventures of my life. I have it set to the Blues right now, but I'm hoping each person can set it to their favorite genre on their computer. Please....let me know if this was successful for you as I have no other way of knowing.
The Neocounter was a bit of a disappointment as it's only tracking from February 16th, so I need all of you fans from exotic places to keep checking in to add your national flag to the blog. I'm amazed when I see places like Kuwait, Singapore, the Netherlands and the like. How on earth are you finding this? No, really...I want to know!
Also added is a comment box below each blog that you can mark as funny or interesting or whatever the categories are - I've forgotten already. This is for those who don't have the energy to leave an entire comment.
I've moved the total page views to the top to show total page views for all time, which amazes me considering I only started to do this on January 1, 2011.
So, that's about it for the X files today.
Long Live the Queen XOXOXO
Thursday, February 17, 2011
W is for Watch This!
I'm beginning to get twinges of homesickness and miss my big house and community. It's always nice to know that I can always watch the video of my Rabbi on You Tube to feel like I'm back there. My Hebrew name is Ruth (pronounced root) and he calls me the Ruth of all Evil. I miss him.
Here is a video of my rabbi singing the Hebrew Blues
Here is a video of my rabbi singing the Hebrew Blues
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