I woke to a gray and windy day, which meant I'd be playing pickleball this morning indoors. When it was time to leave I had Gracie curled up on my lap and was reading my new book. I hated to leave, but off I went. I should have honored my feelings of slothdom and stayed home.
The play at the courts was not very exciting and I was not feeling stimulated at all. Then I went to smack a ball and hit it weird, causing it to fly into my right eye. Ouch. Fortunately my glasses took the blow and double fortunately they did not get broken...smeared up and possibly scratched, but intact.
Later on I was waiting on the bench for an open court and decided to tie my shoe. This caused a twinge in my right knee. Come on! Who hurts themselves tying a shoe? I decided to ignore the twinge and got up to play. Barely into the game I swung my paddle, missed the ball and nailed my kneecap with the handle. Zounds! That hurt. I had to quit the game and let someone else take my place.
That's when I decided to just go home and lick my wounds. This is where I noticed the low tire pressure signal was on again. This appeared earlier and Left Brain took care of all the tires and it was out for about a week. Now it just seemed alike a metaphor for my day...low pressure warning.
I grabbed a McDonald's breakfast on the way home, showered and climbed into bed so I could restart my day.
In the early afternoon I was able to relate my misadventures to Left Brain as I sat all snuggly in my jammies listening to the rain fall. It's so good to have a friend to whine to.
Tomorrow will be another day.
Long Live the Queen
Oh my goodness, you've just had yourself a Murphy's Law day. That's when nothing seems to go right. Lets hope things get better from here on. I have to agree that it's nice to have a friend to whine with. Even though mine has hairy legs. All four of them. hahaha. You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
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