We went to the RV dealer for our 9:00 walk through and when we were finished the driver was there to take it to the site. Yikes! This was faster than anticipated...we figured we'd be in the motel for another night.
Since we had about an hour for him to gather the supplies for blocking the trailer we raced back to the motel and packed up our stuff and the cats and headed back to the campground. He had arrived just shortly before we did.
It was a long process of driving the trailer on and off the site to get it situated where we wanted it, this was made more difficult by the location of several trees. But that's what we loved about the site, so we'll work with it.
We were able to move most of our stash from the tent/storage shed into the trailer while the cats were sequestered in the bedroom. The forecast for that night was rain storms and Tuesday is supposed to be rainy as well, we we wanted to get everything in as quickly as possible so I could organize and arrange things during the rainy period.
I made one trip to Target, which is located very near by (thank goodness) and gathered up some of the more desperate items...such as more hose, toilet paper, pillows, coffee maker and some groceries. There's still a lot more to be purchased, but it will have to wait.
We ended the day with a Domino's pizza delivery because we were both too tired to go any where for food and there still isn't anything in the house to eat...not to mention nothing to cook it with, or plates to put it on.
So, we're settled in for our first night in our new home with some borrowed sheets from Stephanie until I can get shopping for linens.
Sorry for the lack of photos, but we're on survival mode right now.
Long Live the Queen of Two Homes
Ah, such an exciting time for you! No matter the rain, as long as you are all safely in your new trailer, all is well with the world. I know you'll be busy shopping and decorating the next few weeks. I wish you much happiness in your new summer home. Have a super day, hugs, Edna B.