Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Turtles abound in the park

There are an abundance of turtles here in the park and I seem to have an every day encounter with them.

For one thing, it seems I have been made the honorary crossing guard to ensure their safety.

I've learned from Hannah Dove more about snapping turtles lately, so I won't be assisting them any time soon.  It seems they can reach quite far with their neck and have a ferocious bite.

We came across this mother busy covering up the eggs that she had laid and packing them down firmly to protect them.
Check out the massive claws on those back feet! And Left Brain complains about my toenails.

Based on Hannah Dove's description, I'm wondering if this might be a snapping turtle.  

Long Live the Turtle Queen


  1. this looks like some sort of sun turtle to me - not a snapper, in my opinion. the snappers look like prehistoric beings!

  2. Nope, not a Snapper. That is a Slider, and she is harmless. Just be careful. What you are doing warms my heart. Bless you!

  3. You must be in the Turtle Red Cross.

  4. We should call you the Turtle Whisperer, but there's a better way to communicate with a turtle-a shellphone. ha.

  5. We should call you the Turtle Whisperer, but there's a better way to communicate with a turtle jus use a Shellphone. Ha.
