Early Thursday morning I crept past the sleeping grandchild on our couch and departed for a medical appointment back in La Crosse. It was time to decide which mask I wanted to keep and which to return. That was an easy choice - I love the nose pillow mask much better as I can flip around and sleep on my stomach and side. I can't decide if I feel more like a circus horse with a halter and feather plume on my forehead or a scuba diver.

After the appointment I picked up Miss M and we headed off to Manny's for lunch. This was followed by visiting our favorite places...Barnes & Noble and TJ Max. At Barnes& Noble I purchased a book on Lightroom 4 so I can begin to understand the software that is residing on my computer and maybe actually start to USE it. It's a large book and if nothing else could be used to level the RV at some point if it fails at being instructional. I know there's many wonderful You Tube tutorials out there, but with iffy internet it feeds so slowly it's torture to watch even the briefest video. We hope to get the Satelittle hooked up this fall after learning more at the Escapades Rally.
While at TJ's Miss M was waving around this green thing and commenting on what kind of moron would actually use such a thing. It was a pancake pen and is so COOL! It even has measurement markings on it to mix the pancake batter inside and shake it up. Then you squirt it out a small hole on the top. You can make nice little pancakes without slopping batter all over the place and even make letters and numbers. Oh the fun we will have! And it's lightweight and small....met all the requirements for belonging in our RV.

Then we had a lively debate over the little purses, as I wanted to find something a little nicer for going out and brightly colored so I wouldn't lose it. But being cheap I refuse to pay much money for such a thing, I believe in putting money into my purse, not into buying the purse. I suppose the margaritas we had a lunch may have been part of the influence on how we were shopping. Anyway....suffice it to say I left with a hot pink leopard print purse with tassels. It's so NOT me but I do love it in a strange way.
After our purchases were completed, we went back to the house and relaxed for a bit - I got to take a hot tub bath, something I love and have missed. And then it was off for our garden club meeting at Ciatti's. Hmmm...most of my social life seems to revolve around food. We had a lovely meeting where I am secretary for the group...not sure how that's going to work when I leave the area. Our emphasis seems to be more on visiting gardens, attending plays and performances and dining than actually gardening. Some of the members still actually do have some gardens, but it's getting fewer and fewer. At the end of the meeting two more members announced their resignation due to lack of time and other commitments. The group is down to five now, including me who won't be there much.

We visited a bit in the morning and my friend totally understands my need for alone time and sent me off on my day of picking up meds for She Devil and enjoying loaded baked potato soup at Pickermans while reading my Kindle. I made of point of letting the owner know I drove almost four hours to get this soup. I've always loved this reading and dining part of my life and this trip was extra special to me as I took in all the details around me, savoring them until the next time I might be able to enjoy this again. It is the simple things that make up the most enjoyable aspects of ones life.
I stopped on the way home to pick up a couple of bag chairs at Gander Mountain as we seem to be at a lot of soccer and softball games lately. It felt good to get back in the afternoon and enjoy a quiet sunset with Left Brain and catch up.

As much as I love going places and seeing people, my favorite times are just sitting next to the RV with She Devil and Left Brain and talking or reading. It's the quiet time I savor the most.
Long Live the Queen of Quiet Living
I have to give you a lot of credit. I could not sleep with that mask on my face and head. On the other hand, if it meant being able to breathe I guess I would try real hard to do it.
ReplyDeleteI think your 123 pancakes are outrageous! How fun! It would be lots of fun to see the look on someone's face as these were being served to them. I'm getting ready to leave work soon. You have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.
If you have any trouble with LR give me a call or stop over next time you are in town. I just took a course on the upgrade with Judy so either of us can help. It has a learning curve but I have over 3000 photos down to 500 so far from our three month vacation and may narrow the field less when I get them all imported. Love having two monitors so I can really see what I am doing. Enjoy! Mary Ann