As Left Brain was carrying the printer out to the car (the kids store it for us in their house) he slipped and fell down the stairs. He was okay, thank G-d, and we continued to pack.

We closed up the trailer on the Mississippi and headed for the St Cloud airport, with lots of time to the good little travelers that we are. We indulged in a McDonalds burger & fries on the way since we couldn't stop and eat with the cats in the car. So much for our new vegetarian lifestyle and my Weight Watchers program. Since the kids couldn't take us to the airport we agreed to leave Brad (Emily's blue Prius) in the airport parking lot and they could retrieve it the next day. All was going smooth.
We got checked in nice and early and waited for the people to arrive to put the baggage through the x-ray and open the gates for us. I'm not sure how or why, but we were TSA pre-check approved so didn't have to remove shoes...only taking out the laptops. Easy peasey - best trip ever. Or so I thought.
When you travel with pets they have to be removed from their carriers so the carriers can go through the machine. This time I was ready and had harnesses on them for a little extra grip. Thank goodness for those calming collars...what a big help they are. Little did I know that by the end of the day I'd wish they came in our sizes.

The plane finally was ready to board about 12:30 am and we had to be on board, seated and ready to go by 1:17 am or the crew was out of hours and we wouldn't be able to go. Since it was a different plane some of the seats needed to be reassigned. I was hoping to get reassigned to first class. That's a joke, son. There is no first class in Allegiant. Everybody gets the same little tiny cheap seats.
We set up to board, with the special needs people going first. Did I mention we had about seven people in wheelchairs, complete with their "comfort animals" and some babies? Needless to say the going was slow. Hmmm, if I got George & Gracie classified as comfort animals we could save $200. Yup, $100 each little furry head that has to slide under the seat.

We anxiously watched as they were trying to agree on a head count. I'm not sure why that was so difficult, but it was just enough to push us into 1:20 am. Game over. Crew is out of hours and time to leave the plane.
There was an immediate rush to the service counter where vouchers were given to people for motels if they lived more than 50 miles away. We did not qualify for that and returning home was not an option after winterizing it. I stood in line and tried to make a motel reservation since we knew trusty old Brad was out in the parking lot. At least we had wheels.

Sadly we trudged back into the madhouse and tried to formulate some kind of plan. I had a lucid moment and raced to the Companion Restroom. YES! It was open. We stored all our stuff inside and Left Brain was not able to get comfortable on the tile floor so he left in search of a softer spot to sleep. I can't blame him as the tumble he took earlier was leaving an incredibly huge bruise. I'd post a photo of it here, but he was hesitant to have his butt posted.
I locked the door and released the cats so they could get out of the carriers they'd been cooped up in since 5:00 pm the previous day. We had packed a couple of cans of cat food which the security people did not remove from the suitcase so I popped them open and set down the cans. I explained this was like camping and they'd just have to rough it without having their little plates. I opened the jar of peanuts and rinsed the lid to make a teeny tiny water dish for them. Then I put a puppy pad in the corner and tried to explain that this was a makeshift toilet. I just got blank looks. They were not amused.
Then it was time to settle down on the cold tile floor and make myself comfortable and get some shut eye. Yeah, right. It was COLD on that floor. I tried mind over matter, but apparently (and obviously) I have a lot more matter than I do mind. After tossing and turning I tried to sit up and read to allow them as much time loose as I could. They were fascinated with the baby changer and enjoyed jumping up and off it. I explained not to jump on the toilet because unlike home, these have no lid and they don't want to go swimming.
Well, this wasn't working at all. I packed them back up and found a carpeted area and laid down between them and tried to sleep. But by now it was 5:30 am and people were starting to wake (those that could sleep) and move about. Sigh.
I'd suggested to a fellow passenger that since they gave us pizza last night maybe they'd spring for McDonalds egg & sausage biscuits for breakfast. She hunted down one of the workers and by golly they agreed to do that. They only had a small coffee pot, but started cranking out pot after pot to soothe those that indulge. I said donuts would be a nice touch also and later on boxes of donuts materialized. Maybe if I had just wished aloud for a plane to leave on time this whole scenario would have been different. We'll never know.
After having our breakfast we went through the whole procedure again, but at least we could use our same boarding passes. We're getting really well trained on this part now. We settled into the waiting area. The "rescue" plane was still connected to the loading chute. The original plane, which had now been signed off on, was the plane we would be taking. All they had to do was reload the luggage and food, move the old plane and put the new one into place. As soon as the new crew arrived.
We were told the night before that the flight would leave at 10:45 am, but then the texts started coming in that there was a delay. I really HATE that word now. The new boarding time would be 12:00 pm. We stared vacantly at two planes just sitting there and we were not able to go anywhere. The new delay said it would be leaving now at noon.
Well, just like a show-down at high noon nothing was happening. I was waiting for the next announcement of a ...delay, when suddenly the pilot and crew came in and leaded out the chute to the rescue plane. Hallelujah! The cavalry has arrived. The pilot had to wait for steps to be brought to the new plane so it could be moved out of the way. Then he descended and went up into the rescue plane to pull it away and make room for our plane. I really expected to see the wing go through the window the way things had been going. Then the original plane was positioned for loading. Explanations were given to those who had seat reassignments that they were to go back to their original seats. Whoo boy!
We finally got loaded and again with the headcount problem. They had several names on the roster that they had to check to see if they were on board. They were...they were the new flight crew. Sigh. I started to panic thinking "oh great" now somebody's missing and we'll have to try to find them before we can depart. Not to mention they'd have to run the gauntlet of tired and cranky people who had to wait for them, but this didn't happen.
Minnesotans truly are the nicest people you'll find anywhere. There aren't all those jokes about "Minnesota Nice" for nothing. Everybody was in a relatively good mood for having been up extended hours and sleeping in the airport. We envied those who were able to go home and at least grab a couple hours of sleep and shower. My brethren were looking a tad disheveled.
But we were finally in the air and heading south. Left Brain had the window seat, I had the middle and a very pleasant, but very large woman had the aisle. I rode most of the trip in a position that looked like I was wearing a straight jacket. I tried to pretend I was absorbed in my book but she didn't get the hint and kept talking. At one point she fell asleep and I enjoyed the snoring sounds more than the chatter.
We touched down about 2:00 pm on Sunday and Nancy was there to pick us up and take us home. It felt so good to walk in the door and be done. We put some things away and about 5 pm he sat down to watch the Packer game and I laid down to rest my eyes. I woke up at 8:30 am.
We decided to go enjoy a leisurely breakfast and then pick up the groceries that we'd need. The car was completely dead. Left Brain had to open it with a key since the fob wouldn't work. Oh great. Thankfully he was able to call Chief (our security guard) for help. While we waited for him to arrive we took everything off the deck for the power-washing scheduled for the next day.
Chief came over with a little device that should get it going. Nope. This baby was flat-lined and dead. So he went to get the truck and jumper cables. They were able to get it running so we were finally able to go eat and get groceries.
McDonalds was the easiest choice since we could eat in the car. So we pulled into the McDonalds on Power St and I went in to get our food. Except I couldn't. I walked around the whole building and saw they were doing a major renovation inside. As I went back to the car a man got into the car next to us and I tapped on his window. I asked him how he got in and he said he worked there, or he wouldn't have gotten in either. It was drive in only. Sign. So Left Brain backed up and maneuvered his way into the drive through and we were finally able to get some vittles.
Then he took me to Wal-Mart and waited in the car so it could keep running while I got the groceries. On the way back we stopped at the office to sign in and visit staff as well as pick up the mail. There was mail, so that was good. I enjoyed chatting with Jon and just being back in general.
We both held our breath as he turned the key to see if it was charged up enough to start again. It started! Things are starting to turn around finally.

So, the worst is behind us and we look forward to a brighter and better tomorrow. But meanwhile, I have learned the following:
Long Live the Queen of Travel