Yesterday we wrapped up our tourist activities by going to the Mystic Seaport. It is a large complex with many ships to visit,many of which you can board and go below. It's an outdoor history museum with a nautical theme.
It was just a matter of time before Left Brain tried to take over the position of Captain.
I could relate more to the everyday matters of the seamen, like the shopping and doctors office.
Good for what ails you I guess.
I know it would have made me very healthy VERY fast if they were going to put them on me. |
The "examining table" didn't make me feel any more comfortable either.
I'm guessing the bucket is there for the blood letting process. |
The store seemed nice...of course, what store doesn't seem nice?
Here is the sewing room for the milliner...and I thought it was cramped sewing in the RV!
And of course, in a shipyard you have to have lots of rope and equipment on hand.
And the beauty wasn't just the ships and buildings, but the flowers that were found everywhere.
It was a sweet way to end our time in Mystic CT. We will head further down the coast on our way to NYC.
Long Live the Queen of Ships