What! We really have NO control over life? |
Things have a way of changing, no matter how well you plan
ahead. There’s an old Jewish anecdote
that asks “how do you make G-d laugh?”
The answer is “tell Him YOUR plans”.
The truth is you can plan and be ready for everything but life will
throw a twist in your direction.
Monday I prepared to meet a friend for lunch. In my mind I was driving the car and running
a bunch of other errands afterwards.
However, Left Brain’s need for the car trumped mine and I got the
scooter. This was okay as I really do
need to practice with it and become friends before my motorcycle class in two
So I braced myself for the trip and found I could not
remember how to open the seat to retrieve the helmet. After a panicky call to Left Brain he calmly
talked me through it and all was fine. I
headed out for the highway, the main portion of the ride I was dreading. The exit to our campground is long and windy
and before I was even to the end of it I was cold. Plus it was probably a good idea to have
something over my arms in case of a fall anyway, so I returned to the RV for a
light jacket. Now I was ready!
As I approached the highway part of the ride the sane part
of my mind gulped and reminded me that if I fell over on this thing at 55 mph I
was gonna be roadkill. The wild part of
me smiled, gunned the motor and said “well then…don’t fall.” And off I took. The more I rode the better it felt. This was indeed a good turn of events, I was
getting the practice needed and conquering a fear.
Since I didn’t know how much time it would take to arrive at
the café I ended up arriving way too early.
So, I decided to tool about on my scooter a bit longer and wound my way
down to Riverside Park and into the International Gardens. It had been quite a since visiting this creation
and I was blown away by the beauty is has become. Not having to care for gardens any more I was
able to leisurely stroll through the garden and sit on a marble bench under a
pear tree while gazing at the water lilies.
I experienced a sense of calm and rest on the deepest level
possible. So THIS is what it feels like
to relax….I like it.
Then I proceeded to have a three hour visit with a good
friend and catch up with her while enjoying some of my favorite soup. On the way home I even felt comfortable
enough to stop and pick up a couple of small items I’d needed since they would
fit in the seat of the scooter.
in her younger years |
When I returned home I found that Left Brain had tried to
call me to tell me the vet had left a message.
I guess I really should learn to listen for the phone or at least check
for messages once in a while. He had
been sitting outside with She Devil so she could enjoy the outdoors and eat
some grass. He also let me know that she
had been throwing up and seemed quite uncomfortable. I felt a little guilty as I had been
rationing out her pain meds to make it until her final vet appointment on
I called the vet to see what was up, figuring it was just
one of those calls to confirm the appointment.
Nope. It seems that my vet was
not going to be able to see her on Wednesday after all. I knew he had use of the car all day on
Tuesday and I wasn’t going to have enough meds to carry her through any later
than this. On impulse (or intuition?) I
asked if they had anything yet that day.
They did – at 4:10. Knowing I
probably couldn’t make it there in time I said yes and proceeded to get the car
ready for her transport to the vet.
There really wasn’t time to worry about it or get teary eyed
as I had to hustle to make the appointment.
Then I recalled that my friends, Eric and Colleen, were expecting me on
Wednesday for the burial.
when she was a baby |
While comforting a yowling cat and driving like a maniac I
punched in their number to see if they’d be home. Thank goodness they were home but were
leaving at 5:00 to go golfing.
Yikes. This wasn’t going to
work. I asked them to tell me where I
could dig and leave a shovel out for me.
No problem, Eric had already prepared the hole and they
insisted on cancelling their plans to be there when I arrived. I don’t know how I have been blessed with so
many wonderful friends, but this was truly a blessing to me to hear that they
would be there.
We pulled into the vet’s office at 4:13, a little late but
not terrible. I was greeted by sad
smiles as I entered as everyone knew what was coming and was quickly ushered
into a reserved room to wait for the vet to arrive. As I sat holding She Devil it pleased me to
see that they had my issue of “Catmopolitan” in that room. This was the magazine that She Devil
bequeathed to them when we left “the big house”.
The vet arrived with a sad face and we talked a bit before
starting the process. First she gave She
Devil an injection while I held her.
This was the first shot that would relax her to the point of
unconsciousness. Then I had the option
of holding her for the fatal injection of laying her on the blanket they
provided. Being familiar with death and
knowing what body fluids leak out when death occurs I opted to have her lay
down. I stroked her fur and talked to
her until she was gone.
The vet lovingly stroked her body while commenting that this
was something she was never able to do before.
Let’s just say She Devil lived up to her name and had a reputation for
being….difficult. I asked her check the
heart one more time just to be sure and then we wrapped her up in a green towel
and placed her into a cardboard box.
I settled up for the procedure and took my “package” to the
car and proceeded to Eric and Colleen’s house.
I tried not to look at my former house as I drove by as there were too
many losses lately to deal with. And yet
I couldn’t avoid it. I was amazed and
pleased to see the growth of some of my newer plantings but a little taken aback
by how disheveled everything looked. I
feel like I let the neighbors down by substituting these new owners. Hopefully they will get things looking better
as they continue to get moved in and settled.
Anyway…it’s not my worry anymore.
There I was greeted
by Eric and Colleen with open arms and warm hugs. They had just put their cat, Yada, to sleep
about a week earlier and were still grieving themselves.
We went to her burial spot and I was pleased that you could
see my former back yard from there. I
think she would have liked that. The hole was deep to prevent other critters
from disturbing her and Colleen had dug up a forsythia tree to plant over her
body to mark the spot. I liked that the
name forsythia has kind of a hissing sound to it…so appropriate for She Devil.
As I tried to remove her body from the box her head slipped
out and flopped back and I heard Eric gasp.
I tried to get her tucked into the towel and then her feet slipped
out. I’m so sorry, but humor comes at
all kinds of inappropriate times and I found myself laughing and saying “even
dead she’s difficult to handle” and that seemed to help ease the tension. I lowered her into the grave and proceeded to
begin filling the hole. The procedure
was done in true Jewish custom where you take the first shovelful of dirt with
the back of the shovel to show this is a job you do not wish to perform. After making sure none of the body was
visible I returned the shovel to the dirt pile.
Then Colleen turn her turn adding some dirt and after returning the
shovel, Eric finished up the burying and planting of the tree. Colleen is an amazing gardener and it felt
good knowing she would water the plant after I left and will keep it thriving.
We walked back up the hill to the house and went inside for
some water and eventually some wine and snacks.
The sharing of cat stories and the mixed feelings of missing them and
yet enjoying not having to deal with the sickness and mess anymore went on for
a good two hours. Having good friends to
share this experience with made all the difference. They are the kindest, most loving couple you
could ever have the honor of calling friends.
I wish Left Brain could have been part of this with me, but he just
wasn’t able to deal with it. I felt back
knowing he was back at the RV dealing with this loss alone, but I took the love
and words that I needed to help me through the process.
As I left the valley I again gazed upon my former gardens
and left with a very heavy heart.
But with loss come new beginnings and I will be busy with
friends and family for the next two weeks and then off to the rally, so the
activity will help both of us to heal, time really is the best healer.
Long Live the Queen